Monday 20 August 2012

Traditional Javanese Cooking? Why not!

Going hometown towards Eid Fitr or we suppose to call it "mudik" is always enjoying memorable time. Not just because the moment of Ramadan, the crowded road along java gave you an experimental skill: how you get out from the traffic jam, be patient to naughty drivers and now, deals with the motorbikes.
But, even everytime deals with same problem, not make the people's spirit to going hometown at Eid Fitr gone.
I became one of them.....

My hometown: Yogyakarta
It's always be pleasure to going home. I always miss the city. The culture, the culinary, the people and of course for me, the home where my mom and dad's origin.
Traditional javanese cooking especially Yogjakarta style always enjoy to taste. The sweetness of Gudeg is the most famous dish from here. But, not only that uniques main menu is tasteful. Now, I want to introducing the traditional javanese snack. Most of them are made from cassava, rice flour, sticky rice. All of that ingredients are easy to find here and of course the price is so cheap. In the morning, if you like to walking around traditional market in Yogyakarta, you'll find a lot of traditional snack. These are good to eat, natural, simple but not preserving enough.
Yesterday my mom made me Sentiling or sometime it called Bengawan Solo. It made from cassava which is smashed and adding jelly powder and sugar onto it. Wrapped with banana leaves, steamed and enjoyed it with shredded coconut. So simple, so yummy!
Here, i want to share another snack or opening menu made from cassava called Bubur Candil.

This traditional javanese snack became favourite for old people. The sweetness of cassava and the palm sugar give an instant energy. I made this snack for opening menu after fasting, and it so... great. Here the recipe:
Palm Sugar
Coconut milk
Corn Starch powder
Mineral water
Pandan Leaves
How to cook:
Grater the cassava
Mixed with sugar, salt
Formed to a small ball like marble
Boiled mineral water and palm sugar
Added the cassava ball
Thicked it with corn starch powder
Finished it with splash of coconut water

Saturday 4 August 2012

Simple dish from Cirebon

Cirebon, the city of shrimp.....
I've never expected that i will living and working in this town before, but here..... after more than a half year, i falling in love with the life of Cirebon.

Cirebon, the 2nd biggest town in Jawa Barat, is not only high population because of its location on coastal areas. It aksi because Cirebon has rich and unique culture, different from Sundanese or Javanese. Maybe assimilation from both or has own character but it made this place offers pleasure in tourism and culinary adventures!

Well, I love batik since came here, that's true! Somehow, after came to Trusmi, the center of coast batik craft industry. The patterns were so amazing. Rich of color, design and the price is cheap enough. I almost can't control myself to shop some cirebon batik... Love it so much!

I saw a canthing process which is part of drawing, coloring textiles with malam, kind of candles. This is the most important part of creating pattern design of batik. Most of them, is been done by women because this processes need high patience and accuracy in detail. Well, women can do that better, can't they?

So, here some of my favourite Cirebon batik pattern:

The culinary also tempting to be tried. Cirebon has more than five famous culinary menu. Today, I will share the simple dish made from tofu called Tahu Gejrot.

Tahu Gejrot using Tahu Sumedang, kind of brownish Tofu with hollow spaces inside and a little bit salty. Most Sundanese love this tofu and meal it as snack anytime. Tahu Gejrot offer combination of saltiness, sweetnes and spicy-ness in a bowl. So, here the recipe:

Tahu Sumedang
Mineral water
Brown sugar

Uleg seasoning:
green chillies
onion, garlic
salt, brown sugar

Heat the tahu sumedang
Ripped into plate
Boiling water, add brown sugar until it melted
Mixed the sugar water and uleg seasoning
pour it into tahu sumedang

So simple!